- What's up, Papa?
- Nothing, it'll pass.
- Do you want to drink?
- No.
Let me sleep now.
We Have to wait till dark.
Attention, signori, please.
Hey, did you see that?
Your son's here!
He came like all the others,
out of curiosity.
Just like me!
Who cares about the boat!
I looked for you everywhere.
I need an advance.
On what? No, I already
told you, Squarcio.
Listen! The Co-op's fridge
will be running in a few days.
No one's going to work
anymore to make you fat.
I know. So what?
You can't imagine
how much disgust I feel
but I'm the only one willing
to fill up your fridge.
And how will you go out fishing?
Going to swim out there, maybe?
I've got my motor back again.
Nobody bids 40,000 lire?
Tiny little boats cost more.
Any bids? 40,000?
He can bring the price down,
as low as he wants.