Le Notti bianche

... to prove it to you
was not to show up.

Where? ln the place
where we'd agreed to meet?

-At the very same time?
-But I just had to go there.

Really? But you obviously
didn't want my company.

So, I apologize
and wish you good night!

There wouldn't be anything wrong
in your keeping me company now.

Excuse me?
I mean, if we got to know
each other and became friends.

You're an odd sort, you know?
What can I do
if we met by chance...

... and there's no one around
even now to assure you...

-... I'm not a rogue ?
-I already realized that.

If I fix an appointment with you,
you're entitled to think...

That it was a date.
Okay, I don't think that.

-Are you cross with me.
-Me? Not a bit!

You really didn't think that?
Then everything's fine.
We can take care of the rest.
My name's Natalie.
Now, tell me everything
about yourself.

Who are you? What do you do?...
Tell me your story.

It'll be as if we'd always
been friends!

My story?
But I don't have a story to tell.

How have you managed to live
up to now without a story?

-I lived normally.
-You must have someone, a family...

Even if very small, like mine.
I've only an elderly grandmother.
Elderly and almost blind.

All the others left.
The first to leave was my father.

It was so long ago
that I don't remember him.

Then my mother left...
... with someone who wasn't
my father.

So now, my grandmother,
for fear that I'd get
into trouble,

and seeing she's almost blind
and couldn't follow me,

sometimes took a pin...
... and attached my skirt to hers!
