I won.
All right.
- D'you think you'll be drafted?
- Sure.
- You won't volunteer?
- I might. Why not?
No, you won't! I won't let you.
You know you'll get an exemption.
That's why you talk so big.
- Why do you think so?
- Everyone smart will be exempted.
Then the only ones to do
the fighting will be the fools.
I don't want to talk to you
ever again.
Veronica, there's something
I must tell you.
I don't want to hear it.
And, please, don't call me
- Who am I?
- Squirrel.
- What will you give me tomorrow?
- It's a secret.
If you give me something sweet,
I'll eat it up and forget about it.
Give me something
to remember you with.
Kiss me now.
When I'm with you,
I'm not afraid of anything.
Not even the war.
Though, I'm afraid of the militia.
- Veronica...
- You know what?
- Do you know?
- No.
I'll have a beautiful white dress
made for our wedding.
One like my grandmother had.
And a veil...
Very long and white.
And you should wear
your dark suit.