In a way,
I'm rather glad you're leaving tonight.
You are?
-It makes everything simpler.
-That's the way it should be.
No involvements,
no complications, no danger.
None at all.
The trouble is, people get too attached
to each other, things drag on...
...scenes, tears.
Everything gets so maudlin.
I think people should always behave
as though they were between planes.
Very sound, Mr. Flannagan.
It's basic.
He who loves and runs away,
lives to love another day.
-I must remember that.
-Works out great.
Works for you.
No, all around.
Everybody's happy, nobody gets hurt.
How about Francesca del Corso?
Francesca del who?
Del Corso...
...the one in Venice who tried to commit--
I'm glad you brought her up.
That's exactly the type to stay away from.
Silly, sentimental, serious.
It turned out I was the first man
she'd ever been in love with.
I suppose most girls are sentimental
about their first love.
I suppose so.
Like their first pair of high-heeled shoes.
Tell me...
...do you remember
the first man in your life?
Let me see....
It's all a little blurry....
Must have had too much
of this domestic champagne.