Night Passage

Wherever you may be
Follow the river back to me
(Man) I'd better get back to work.
Don't lose all your matches.

- Hello, Mac.
- Hi, Click. Howdy, folks.

- Hi.
- Hello.

Welcome home, man.
Come sit down and give us a tune.

- We'll pay you with promises.
- A man can't eat promises.

He can't lose them at cards either.
- No, indeed he can't.
- Where have you been and why?

They were laying track in Wyoming.
Needed a troubleshooter.

- Didn't need me.
- That's too bad.

You can pick up a few nickels
and dimes playing your accordion.

That's right, Tim. What's this?
Playing cards with matches?
When's payday?

Tomorrow, if they get the money past
Whitey Harbin.

Which they won't.
He's tapped that pay train three times up.

They'll get it past him
or get no more steel before snow.

- O'Brien, shut your mouth!
- My sentiments exactly.

Day shift and night shift, night shift
and day shift. No money in a month.

My patience is ended.
So is their railroad. Am I right?

- You are right!
- McLaine.

Please play me a peaceful tune
or I'll have a revolution on my hands.

I see what you mean.
Are they giving you trouble?

Lucky you're not with the railroad.
Tis a weary man you'd be today

if you were troubleshooting for us.
Could be you're right, Tim.
( Folk tune)
Come on, pretty lady. Give us a dance!
I dare you, Mr Feeney.
Where's the wife?
Come on!
Big Ed, are you through to Junction City?
