Night Passage

- I'll get the eggs.
- No, get the pie. I can pay for the pie.

You're a very stubborn man.
Apple pie is not for breakfast.

It is if you like apple pie. Now I need a fork.
- Working here long?
- About three weeks.

How's the Utica Kid?
He was well...
when I saw him last.
When was that?
- Good morning.
- Morning.

Well, business is early and Pete is late.
The lunches. Are they fixed?
Why do I ask?
The lunches are always fixed.

Why? Because you fix them.
Charlie, I'll make you an omelette
like only Pete can make an omelette.

Very bad.
Come on around,
sit down, have a cup of coffee.

Pete had that place in Santa Fe, remember?
Are you running a shoe store on the side?
Those are box lunches for the work train.
Money, money, money.
Pete knows how to make it.

He follows the railroad.
I guess a lot of people follow the railroad.
You and Pete.
The Utica Kid.
I asked when you saw him last.
They've lost three payrolls.
Now when did you see him last?

- Charlie, where did I put my apron?
- It's under here.

You must be nice fella. If Charlie sits
with you, you must be nice fella.

I make omelette for you too.
We were talking about the Utica Kid.
He can wait. Ben Kimball's in town.
They put his car on the siding yesterday.

- I know.
- His wife is with him.

Is she?
I often wondered what Verna was like.
I saw her last night.

All fine silk and feathers.
She's soft and beautiful.
And I can understand now.
