I'm afraid it's impossible.
We're full up.
Oh. Thank you.
Here they come.
Dr. Holden?
I'm Lloyd Williamson.
- Professor Harrington's personal aide.
- How are you?
I'm so glad I'd be able
to meet you here, sir.
The professor had planned
to meet you here himself, but he...
- Well...
- Dr. Holden?
We're the press, sir.
Could you spare a few minutes?
- What makes me news?
- Ghosts.
What exactly is the function
of this convention you're attending?
Investigation of international reports
on paranormal psychology.
"Para" what psychology?
Just say mind-reading,
fortune-telling, spirits and zombies.
What are your views on those people in
the States who claim to be reincarnated?
Bunk. Under hypnosis...
people are unusually susceptible
to the power of suggestion.
Do all your delegates share
your views on the supernatural?
There are probably some who don't.
Ask Williamson here.
He'll probably know.
Do you believe those who don't
to be fakers?
Let's say some people honestly
believe in the supernatural.
But according to you, they're wrong.
- That's right.
- What about the other delegates?
We haven't got time.
I have a car waiting outside.
- One thing more, Doctor.
- Yes?
Take it kind of easy on our ghosts.
We English are sort of fond of them.
Sure. Some of
my best friends are ghosts.