He puts three exclamation marks
after that sentence.
Karswell can be
a pretty startling character.
- You've met him?
- This morning.
Listen to this.
"Karswell most pleasant.
Lost my program during concert,
and Karswell gave me his.
A nice gesture,
since I save them."
That doesn't sound
particularly menacing.
"Today I found the parchment...
in the concert program
Karswell gave me.
It had runic symbols drawn on it."
That's not mysterious.
Runic symbols are the oldest form
of an alphabet.
They're found carved on ancient stones,
like hieroglyphics.
They're supposed to have magic powers.
They don't.
"The parchment acted
as if it were alive.
It pulled from my hand
and Flew into the fiire and burned.
I think I can guess
what Karswell has done to me."
- Cigarette?
- No, thanks. There's a lot more...
about seeing visions
of a monstrous, smoky shape...
and feeling cold,
like you said you were.
"I'm under some kind of witch's spell.
My mind is in the balance.
Must speak to Holden about this."
Unfortunately, you came too late.
What you're trying to tell me is...
your uncle was killed by witchcraft.
As a doctor,
I can assure you you're wrong.
It's a pure case of auto-suggestion.
But the way he knew
he was going to die...
and the horrible way
he actually did.
There's not a thing that happened
that couldn't have been an accident.
You see, Miss Harrington,
the shock of fiinding your uncle dead...
Please don't treat me like
a mental patient who has to be humored.
I also majored in psychology.
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean...
- You could learn a lot from children.
They believe in things in the dark
until we tell them it's not so.
Maybe we've been fooling them.
Good night, Dr. Holden.
I'm really quite Flattered you've taken
such an interest in my welfare.
Don't be. If I hadn't been away,
my uncle might still be alive.
- It was an accident.
- I don't believe that.
I loved my uncle very much, and I want
to know exactly what happened to him.