Nice of you to drop in, Kumar.
Good evening, Holden.
Why, Mr. Holden.
Are you ill?
- I'm all right. Hello, Mark.
- I phoned you earlier.
The authorities have been diffiicult
about cooperating on Hobart.
We need the family to sign a release.
I have it here.
If it's gonna be that much trouble,
forget it.
His memory patterns
are probably worthless anyway.
Besides, I've met this Karswell.
- He's just a harmless faker.
- You are a very skeptical man.
That's what Karswell said.
- Care for a nightcap?
- I wouldn't mind.
Haven't you gentlemen heard that
alcohol is the devil's brew?
And interested as I am in the devil,
I never indulge, thank you.
O'Brien, don't you think that...
O'Brien, don't you think that...
skepticism is
the scientifiic attitude?
Oh, sometimes.
All good scientists
are from Missouri.
In other words, they should
continually be saying, "Show me."
- And if you are shown?
- Then I'll look twice.
- Like water?
- No, thank you.
The whole question
of this demon monster...
that you think shocked Hobart
out of his mind...
is a perfect example of
auto-suggestion and mass hysteria.
Just the same as Flying saucers.
Someone imagines that
they see moving lights in the sky.
And the next thing,
a thousand hysterical witnesses...
turn up all over the world swearing
that Martians are attacking us.
And now, this nonsense.
It even affects serious men
like yourselves.
Sometimes, even me.
But logic... the reality
of the seeable and the touchable...
that's what convinces me fiinally.
Certainly not rumor
or intuition or funny feelings.
Here's how.
I wouldn't dream of arguing with you.
You say, "Show me."
I say, "Look for yourself."