and paid for in lives
by hundreds of thousands.
General Broulard, sir.
- Hello, George. How are you?
- Paul. Wonderful seeing you again.
Well, this is splendid.
I try to create a pleasant atmosphere
in which to work.
You've succeeded marvellously. I wish
I had your taste in carpets and pictures.
You're much too kind, George.
Sit down, George.
I haven't done very much. The place is
much the same as it was when I moved in.
Paul, I've come to see you
about something big.
It's top-secret. It must go no further
than your Chief of Staff, and not to him,
- unless you can trust his discretion.
- Of course.
A group of armies is forming
on this front for an offensive.
Headquarters is determined to make
a breakthrough. You're smiling.
I'm sorry. I thought for a moment I knew
what you were going to say. Please go on.
I never knew you were a mind-reader.
What did you think I was about to say?
- Something about the Ant Hill.
- You are a mind-reader.
Well, it is a key position. It's in my sector.
To be honest, I've heard some talk.
Nothing is secret around headquarters.
- Well, what do you think?
- It's the key to the German position here.
They've held onto it for a year and it looks
as if they'll hold onto it for another year.
I have orders to take the Ant Hill no later
than the 10th, the day after tomorrow.
That comes close to being ridiculous.
I wouldn't be here if I really thought that.
Paul, if there's one man in this army
who can do this for me, it's you.
It's out of the question.
Absolutely out of the question.
My division was cut to pieces.
What's left is in no position
to hold the Ant Hill, let alone take it.
I'm sorry, but that's the truth.
Well, Paul, there was something else
I wanted to tell you.
But you may misunderstand
my motives in mentioning it.
What was it?
You'd be bound to misunderstand.
However, as your friend,
maybe I should tell you.