- Pretty shy on seating accommodation.
- More than enough for me.
Never got the habit of sitting.
Like to be on my feet.
- Keep on the move.
- I can vouch for that, Colonel.
I can hardly get him behind a desk
long enough to sign an order.
That's the way I am, Dax.
I can't understand these armchair officers.
Fellas trying to fight a war from behind
a desk. Waving papers at the enemy!
Worrying whether a mouse is
going to run up their pants leg.
If I had the choice between mice and
Mausers, I'd take the mice every time.
You'll never make me believe that.
Seriously, though,
if a man's a ninny, let him put on
a dress and hide under the bed.
But if he wants to be a soldier,
then he's got to be one.
He's got to fight, and he can't do that
unless he's where the fighting is.
- That's my credo.
- I think I have to agree with you,
presenting your case so convincingly, sir.
- I imagine you'd like a look around.
- Yes, Colonel.
Here's something to see - the Ant Hill.
It's as good a view as you can get
without being there.
That won't be long now, will it?
(General) Hm. Yeah.
Well, I've seen much more formidable
objectives. Much, much worse.
Not something we can grab and run
away with, but certainly pregnable.
- Sounds kind of odd, though.
- Why?
- Like something to do with giving birth.
- Oh, yes. Quite.
You're right on your toes this morning.
Even sharper than usual.
We mustn't forget the colonel was the
foremost criminal lawyer in all France.
Gentlemen, you're both much too kind.
Colonel, how did your relief
come off last night?
We drew some artillery. 29 casualties, sir.
Yes, noticed it on the road in.
utterly inex cusable. Stupid.
All swarmed together like flies,
waiting for someone to swat them.
They never learn. They get in a tight spot
under heavy fire, gang up every time.