Herd instinct, I suppose.
A lower animal sort of thing.
A human sort of thing, it seems to me.
Don't you make a distinction, Major?
Yes, very regrettable, of course.
Very. Yes, indeed.
Major, would you be kind enough
to ex cuse us for a few minutes?
Yes, sir. Of course.
Well, Colonel, what do you think of it?
- What do I think of what, sir?
- The Ant Hill.
Colonel, your regiment is going
to take the Ant Hill tomorrow.
- You know the condition of my men, sir.
- Men will have to be killed.
Possibly a lot of them.
They absorb bullets and shrapnel,
making it possible
for others to get through.
- What support will we have?
- I have none to give you.
What sort of casualties
do you anticipate, sir?
Say 5%killed by our own barrage.
That's a very generous allowance.
10%more in getting
through no-man's-land,
and 20%more getting through the wire.
That leaves 65%,
with the worst part of the job over.
Let's say another 25%
in actually taking the Ant Hill.
We're still left with a force
more than adequate to hold it.
You're saying that more than
half my men will be killed.
Yes, it's a terrible price to pay, Colonel,
but we will have the Ant Hill.
- But will we, sir?
- I'm depending on you, Colonel.
All France is depending on you.
Am I amusing you, Colonel?
I'm not a bull. I don't need a flag
waving to get me to charge.
I don't like comparing
our flag to a bullfighter's cape.
I meant no disrespect to our flag.
Patriotism may be old-fashioned,
but a patriot is an honest man.
Samuel Johnson had something else
to say about patriotism.
And what was that, may I ask?
- Nothing, really.
- What do you mean?
- Sir, nothing important.
- When I ask a question, it's important.
- Now who was this man?
- Samuel Johnson, sir.
What did he have to say about patriotism?