A sneaky, booze-guzzling,
yellow-bellied rat
with a bottle for a brain
and a streak of spit...
- That's enough, Corporal.
- You've got yourself into a mess.
I have, have I?
You've got yourself in a worse one.
First, general insubordination.
Second, threatening your superior officer.
Third, refusing to obey an order
and inciting others to do the same.
How do you think those charges
will look on paper?
Not half as bad as these:
endangering the lives of your men
through recklessness, drunk on duty,
wanton murder of one of your own men,
and cowardice in the face of the enemy.
Phillip, have you ever tried to bring
charges against an officer?
It's my word against yours, you know.
Whose word do you think
they're gonna believe?
Let me put it another way. Whose word
do you think they're going to accept?
Now, I'll tell you what I'm willing to do.
So far, all I have written in this report
is that you and Lejeune
were killed while out on patrol.
I'll make it read
that you made your way back
after getting separated in the skirmish.
- That'll end the matter...
- You killed Lejeune.
I'm sorry. It was an accident.
I'd give anything in the world
if it hadn't had happened.
Honestly, I know you don't like me, but
what kind of a man do you think I am?
- Oh, good morning, Colonel.
- At ease, men.
- I've been waiting for your report.
- We found out a thing or two.
- Everything go well?
- No, sir. Private Lejeune was killed.
- How did it happen?
- It's in the report.
- Let's have it.
- It isn't quite finished yet, sir.
That's all, Corporal. You did
a good night's work. Should feel proud.
- Go get some sleep.
- Yes, sir.
- How did you lose Lejeune?
- Machine-gun fire, sir.
He coughed. Almost got us all killed.
Finish that report
and get it to me immediately.
Yes, sir.