- Captain Nichols.
- Yes, sir?
Order the 75s to commence
firing on our own positions.
Captain, do you fail to comprehend
the meaning of my order?
No, sir, but... I respectfully ask to...
Captain, do you fail to comprehend
the meaning of my order?
No, sir.
- Then carry it out, Captain.
- Yes, sir.
Hello, Polygon? This is Division.
Batteries 1 and 2 commence firing...
on coordinates 32-58-78.
Batteries 1 and 2 to commence
firing on coordinates 32-58-78. Over.
The battery commander reports
those are our own positions.
- He says it must be a mistake.
- Confirm the order, Captain.
(Captain) The order is confirmed.
Battery commander respectfully reports
he cannot execute such an order
unless it is in writing
and signed by the general. Over.
Battery commander cannot execute
such an order unless it is in writing,
- and signed by the general.
- Give me that phone!
- General Mireau speaking!
- Battery commander speaking.
The troops are mutinying,
refusing to advance. Fire as ordered!
With all respect, you have no right
to order me to shoot down my own men
unless you are willing
to take full responsibility for it.
Captain Rousseau,
will you obey my order?
I must have a written order before
I can execute such a command, sir.
Supposing you're killed. Where will I be?
In front of a firing squad
tomorrow morning, that's where!
Hand over your command and report
yourself under arrest to my headquarters.
(artillery fire)