Gentlemen, I ask this court
to find the accused guilty,
and impose the penalties prescribed
by the code of military justice.
Thank you, Mr Prosecutor.
Colonel, would you like
to make your plea?
Gentlemen, there are times when I'm
ashamed to belong to the human race,
and this is one such occasion.
It's impossible for me to summarise
the case for the defence,
since the court never allowed me
an opportunity to present my case.
Are you protesting
the authenticity of this court?
Yes, sir. I protest against being
prevented from introducing evidence
that I consider vital to the defence.
The prosecution presented no witnesses.
There has never been a written indictment
of charges made against the defendants.
And lastly, I protest against the fact
that no stenographic records
of this trial have been kept.
The attack yesterday morning
is no stain on the honour of France,
and certainly no disgrace
to the fighting men of this nation.
But this court martial
is such a stain, and such a disgrace.
The case made against these men
is a mockery of all human justice.
Gentlemen of the court,
to find these men guilty
will be a crime to haunt each of you
till the day you die.