- Morning.
- Good morning.
May I have fried eggs
and a cup of coffee, please?
- All right.
- Do you have a washroom...
...where I can clean up?
- First door.
Oh, yeah. Thank you.
- What you selling?
- Nothing.
Sorry, I thought you might
be a traveling man.
No, I came here to get a job.
I should have known.
I hear Harrington Woolen Mills got
some government contracts...
...for military uniform cloth.
A lot of people will move here.
Which way is it to Harrington Mills?
Follow Elm Street to the river
then look up to your right.
You'll hate it.
- Morning, Mrs. MacKenzie.
- Morning, Nellie.
Paul left this morning.
- Left for where?
- Don't know.
Says he wants to leave town
and make something of himself.
Instead of working all the time
at the mill.
- He wants to see the world.
- Who is?
Paul. He left town this morning.
Allison, must you play records
so early?
Good breakfast music.
Digest your juice with culture.
I'm glad about Paul, Nellie.
How did Selena take it?
She's glad too. But she
ain't a mother. Neither are you.
I'd like to see the world.
Have a romance in Venice.
Meet a tall stranger in Hong Kong.
- Allison, don't eat so fast.
- Have to.
Senior class is giving a gift
to Ms. Thornton.
I wrote a speech that Rodney
Harrington's going to read.
- Badly, I'm sure.
- What's going on?
A meeting to appoint a new principal.
- How do you know it'll be Ms. Thornton?
- Nobody else deserves it.