Peyton Place

I'll drop by the store after school.
Goodbye, Dad.
I wish you'd stop that ridiculous
performance every day.

What? Saying goodbye
or hello to my father?

Saying it to a photograph.
I suppose it's silly,
but it makes me feel that he's here.

You scarcely knew him.
It's not my fault he died
when I was two.

I can't remember him, I admit,
but I miss him.

You mean, you miss a father.
Yes, Mother.
Wouldn't it be nice if you had men
friends, or dates, or even marry again?

Stop talking about fathers,
husbands and marriage.

You miss him more
than I ever realized.

I'm sorry, Mother.
I'll be late.
Forgot the speech.
- Goodbye, Mom.
- Bye.

- Good morning, Ms. Lancie.
- Good Morning, Allison.

Hi, David.
- Good morning, Mr. Herman.
- Morning, Miss Allison.

Go on home, Buffy.
- Hi, Dr. Swain.
- Morning, Allison.

- Good morning, girls.
- Morning, doctor.
