If you're a teacher,
why were you working there?
I couldn't live on the salary
of a teacher.
This job starts at 3000 a year.
Then we're all wasting our time.
That's only $5 a week more
than I was making as a teacher.
But this offers you security.
A long-term contract.
Guaranteed poverty is not security.
I want 5000 a year and a raise
of 500 in the second year.
- We can't do it.
- You own this mill.
How much do you pay a foreman,
$200 a week?
This is business. These men manufacture
a product that makes money.
Be practical and face realities.
To people like you,
education is a necessary evil.
You can't see it,
so it's worth nothing.
Let me tell you this,
the things we can't see...
...are the most important things
on this earth. They're called ideas.
Thank you for the interview.
If we offer you 5000, would you
coach the basketball and football team?
No, I would not.
If you can't pay the principal
of your school a decent salary...
...you have no right to be
running a school.
Mr. Rossi.
Leslie, I'm afraid you're fighting
a losing battle.
Now, Mr. Rossi, frankly... .
In other words, the life history of the
race repeats itself in the individual.
- A notice from the school board.
- Thank you.
"Effective immediately...
...the school board of Peyton Place
is happy to announce...
...the appointment of a new
school principal:
Mr. Michael Rossi. "
"We trust that you will show him
the same loyalty and devotion...
...you displayed to the late Mr. Firth. "
Class dismissed.