I'm glad I'm graduating.
I don't want to know the new principal.
- Mrs. MacKenzie, about graduation... .
- What about it, sweetie?
Mother needs a new dress
for the exercises.
Could I make some arrangement
to buy her one?
After I graduate I'll get a job
and I could pay you back.
You'll be needing
a new dress yourself.
I can get by.
Look, with Easter and graduation
coming on, I'll be needing some help.
Would you like to work
afternoons and Saturdays?
- I'd love to!
- Fine.
- Then I could buy two dresses.
- Wholesale.
No girl ever had two better friends
than you and Allison.
When you see how hard Mother makes
you work, you won't say that.
- Rodney's outside.
- Good, let him wait.
You'll be arrested for wearing that.
No, just picked up.
Mother says women
should be mysterious.
- Do you think the dress is too old?
- No, you're too young.
Won't people think you're a little fast?
According to my philosophy, what other
people think will not pay the rent.
If you're accused of being fast, might
as well run. Get the good things first.
Just remember, men can see
much better than they can think.
Believe me, a low-cut neckline
does more for a girl's future...
...than the entire
Britannica encyclopedia.
- Allison, could you help me a moment?
- Sure.
- Be right back.
- Do you think Rod will like it?
When you have
your 18th birthday party...
...I don't want you
to invite Betty Anderson.
I might as well not have a party.
If I can't invite Betty,
Rodney won't come.
I wouldn't mind that.
If Rodney won't come, his friends won't.
Then nobody will accept.
I can't understand why you want
to be friends with Betty.
I don't like the way
she talks about men and sex.
It appears the only
perfect individual is you.
We've had 17 dull
birthday parties alone.
Could you let me have one
for myself, please?
Allison, what about Betty?