This was supposed to be
a birthday party.
Just playing "photography": Turn off
the lights, see what develops.
Don't be fresh.
Just leave immediately.
- All of you!
- I just caught her under the mistletoe.
Will you please leave?
Happy birthday, Allison.
Come on, Betty.
I'm sorry.
Thanks anyway.
Thanks, Allison.
Come out here.
Allison, I said come out here.
I knew this would happen
if you invited Betty.
- Wasn't her fault.
- And you making love...
We were kissing, one kiss,
not making love.
The house in darkness,
and couples necking all over.
I know, but everyone wanted
to dance in the dark.
And I couldn't very well... .
Mother, at every party in this town,
they turn out the lights.
I don't want you to be like everybody.
I want you to rise above Peyton Place.
It's my home, my town.
Why should I wanna rise above it?
Because its standards are low.
Its people spend their time
trying to drag each other down.
I don't want to be perfect.
I don't want to live in a test tube.
I just want to be me, and have some fun,
and have some friends.
I'd rather be liked than be perfect.
By liked, you mean being pawed by
an animal with one thing on his mind.