Your husband?
He died when Allison was 2.
And Allison.
- A few years ago.
- She's grown a bit since then.
I came to tell you that Allison
has been named valedictorian.
Wonderful. She'll be terribly pleased,
and so am I.
She's a fine girl, bright and sensitive.
You should be very proud of her.
Yes, I am.
Well, that's what I came about.
Good night, Mrs. MacKenzie.
You are lonely here, aren't you?
It's not the worst thing
that can happen to you.
- Isn't it?
- You can learn to live by yourself.
You can get used to it.
Maybe. But that doesn't make it
the best way to live.
The best way?
What would that be?
People meeting, talking.
Well, in Peyton Place,
two people talking is a conspiracy.
A meeting is an assignation, and getting
to know one another is a scandal.
I think you're hard on the town
and hard on yourself.
No, I'm quite all right the way I am.
What were you gonna do tonight?
Wash your hair? Read a book?
Go to the movies alone?
- Well, it makes time pass.
- Time shouldn't just pass.
It should be used.
I wouldn't know where to begin.
Begin at the beginning,
begin by getting out.
We need another chaperon
for the dance.
Why don't you help us out?
Will you come?
I think I'd like that.
Good night, and thanks.