Give me another kiss.
Oh, honey, honey.
- You want to make love to me?
- Yes, yes, of course I want to.
Now go make love
to Allison MacKenzie!
Go get the girl you brought
and try it with her.
The next time I go out, it will be
with a man, not a papa's boy!
Ladies and gentlemen.
Pupils and faculty of Peyton Place
High School, and especially the seniors.
They tell me it is a tradition here
to end each graduation dance with...
..."Auld Lang Syne. "
Since I'm new here and not yet
part of your traditions...
...I think the song should be led by
a woman who has been with you long.
Ms. Elsie Thornton.
Thank you, Mr. Rossi.
We're a small spot in a small town
on a great big map.
And maybe Peyton Place High School
isn't a name that shakes the world...
...but it's a part
of each of you forever.
Make it great by honoring it...
...and come back to see us
whenever you can.
Now let's form a big circle...
...everyone holding hands.