Are you free tomorrow evening?
Come and lend a hand at
a party in my house.
I'll be there.
It's no good
getting upset, Juhi.
Who will care
for you in your old age?
God willing.
Be careful, or a
nut will fall on you.
If you want security,
listen to me.
If I'll listen
to you, I'll starve.
You can hardly keep yourself,
how can you feed me, too?
My hunger will be satisfied
by seeing you in my house.
Abdul sattar,
do you love me so much?
Let's marry
- Stop it, idiot.
Do you hear? No, nothing.
No nut.
Your husband? - He's ill.
He wanted me to take him
to hospital, but I put it off.
How could I miss such a party?
You're very kind.
And the children.
How did you get my address?
Your address?
Do you live here?