Silk Stockings

Peter Boroff!
Don't you know that Peter Boroff
may not come back from Paris...

and if he does not,
he no longer has any talent.

Yes, Comrade Commissar.
I will audition everyone individually.
Starting with her.
- Take everybody else out.
- Come, ladies.

Start dancing.
- Vassili!
- Darling.

I have made it. Finally I am Commissar.
And now you can make me
Prima Ballerina.

Patience, little one.
But you promised me that as soon as
you would become Commissar...

you would make me Prima Ballerina and
throw out this horrible Kranilovska.

Patience. Kranilovska has power.
She has nothing. She is fat and ugly
and she cannot dance.

I know, but she is my wife.
Yes, Comrade Minister.
Nice of you to...
But how can I be in trouble already?
I just sat down.

The Boroff matter?
I wasn't the one who sent
those three idiots after Boroff.

So why is it my fault?
That is true, there is no one else.
I will go to work on it immediately.
I will send a special envoy who...

You have a suggestion?
Comrade Yoschenko?

I had in mind...
But if you say Yoschenko,
that's who it will be.

I will ask Yoschenko to come here and...
You have already arranged it.
Oh, thank you.

May I say that I think
Yoschenko is a splendid choice.
