Sjunde inseglet, Det

Going to play Death?
Scaring decent folk out of their wits.
When are we to perform?
At the Saints' Festival in Elsinore.
We will perform on the church steps.
Why not something bawdy?
People like it better.

They say the plague stalks the land.
The priests speculate in sudden death
and moral bellyache.

What parts are we playing?
A fool like you can play the Human Soul.
Not a good part.
Who decides? l'm the director
of the troupe.

''Your life, O fool...
''hangs by a thread.
''Short is your day.''
Will the women love me in this get-up?
Well, what is it?
Don't move. Don't speak.
l'm as silent as the grave.
l love you.
What is this supposed to be?
The Dance of Death.
- And this is Death.
- Yes, he dances with them.

Why all this daubing?
To remind people of death.
