Why do you laugh?
Never mind. Save your king.
You are sure of yourself.
Our game amuses me.
Your move. l am in a hurry.
l know you have much to do...
but our game must go on.
You are escorting Joseph
and his family tonight?
Why do you ask?
No reason.
Have you seen Jons?
We must go.
l think he's inside.
Well, if it isn't the smith!
Sitting alone and crying?
Yowling like a drowning cat.
- ls it still your wife?
- Yes, l haven't found her.
lt's hell with women
and hell without.
Best to kill them
while the fun lasts.
Nagging and pig's swill.
Babies wetting themselves.
Scratches and abuse.
A witch for a mother-in-law.
And when you get into bed--
A new song.
Tears and whining.
- ''Why don't you kiss me?''
- ''Why don't you sing?''
''You don't love me any longer!''
''You haven't seen my new dress!''
- ''All you do is snore!''
- Oh, hell.
Oh, hell. And now she's gone.
Good riddance!
l'll twist their noses
with tongs.