Sweet Smell of Success

They're in trouble, folks. Get these
papers while they're hot. Latest paper!

- Come on!
- Keep your sweatshirt on, Sidney.

Latest paper here!
Want a hot item on Hunsecker's column?
Two rolls got fresh with the baker!

Hey, the late paper just came in!
Who wants the late paper?

Just a minute, Mr Welden. I think...
I'm sorry, I thought I heard Mr Falco.
Yes, I'll tell him when he returns.
I know. He's been trying to get in touch...
It's the third time he's called today.
- Probably wants me to break a leg.
- No, an arm, he said.

I told him the item would be in
Mr Hunsecker's column tomorrow.

- It isn't.
- But...

I saw the early edition.
- But, Sidney...
- But. But, but, but what?

That makes five days in a row
Mr Hunsecker's cut you out of his column.

May I rent you out as an adding machine?
Get me Joe Robard.

Anybody else call?
The renting agent and your tailor.
Pay the rent and tell the tailor to wait.
It won't leave much balance in the bank.
Hello, Mr Robard?
Could you locate him, please?
