Here's mud in your column.
Blessings on thee, the both.
Well, gotta run. See you kids later.
Hurry back.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
And that gives you a lotta leeway.
Palm Springs.
Two years ago.
Don't tell Sidney.
Hello, JJ? Sidney.
Yes, Sidney?
You sound happy, Sidney.
Why should you be happy when I'm not?
How do you spell "Picasso"?
One s or two?
- An item. He dates three-eyed girls.
- It'd be nice if you'd mention R-o-b-a-r-d.
Robard's jazz joint.
It's his 20th anniversary.
Don't begrudge it to me, JJ.
I owe him a lot of favours.
I think you understand
that the Dallas skull is badly dented.
Oh, yeah. Very bad.
Starting today, you can play
marbles with his eyeballs.
Now don't begrudge it to me, JJ.
Mention Robard...
We shall see what we shall see, Sidney.
And, Sidney, don't use
this phone any more.
I have a nervous sister.