- Sidney Falco office.
- Hello, Sally. I got your message.
If D'Angelo calls, tell him
I'll be at the office around noon. Bye.
- Could this be that boy?
- Dallas? Could be.
- Doesn't look like a flier to me.
- If it's true, JJ's gonna hit the ceiling.
Can it be news to you that JJ's ceiling
needs a new plaster job every six weeks?
JJ doesn't like people to look
at the column proof in advance.
Mary, I'm not people. There's Falco
blood, sweat and tears in that column.
How about dinner tonight?
Bribing me again?
Why should I bribe the woman
that holds most of my heart?
You're a real rascal, Sidney.
An amusing boy, but you haven't got
a drop of respect in you for anything alive.
You're so immersed in
a theology of making a fast buck.
Not that I don't sometimes feel
that you yearn for something better.
Don't try and sell me the Brooklyn Bridge.
I know it belongs to the Dodgers.
Oh, I don't mind you seeing the column
in advance, so long as JJ doesn't know.
But don't do it like a little boy
stealing gum from a slot machine.
Who put this item in about the comic?
"If there's a more hilarious man
than Herbie Temple at the Palace,
pardon us for not catching the name.
We were too busy screaming."
- Does this Temple have a press agent?
- No.
It's one of JJ's occasional beaux gestes.
Evidently the fellow's funny,
so he gave him a plug.
What's your favourite ribbon
for your favourite chocolate?
Let's wait till Christmas.
It's more legitimate then.
- Hey!
- Herbie Temple on stage yet?
Yeah, but you can't go in there now.