"A man has a right to face his accuser.
That's the American way. The man said."
Don't hang around. If I run over,
I'll cut some items off the tail.
"From Washington through Jefferson,
from Lincoln and FDR,
right up to today,
the democratic way of life."
"That's what the man said.
Nowadays, it doesn't export too well."
"But you know and I know that our best
secret weapon is d-e-m-o-c-r-a-c-y."
That's grand. Just grand, JJ.
- Is my make-up all right? Despite the...
- It's fine, it's fine.
Mary, take care of Miss Tam. Anything
she wants. She's our star today.
I got that boy coming here today.
If I can trust my eyes, and I think I can,
Susie knows all about your dirty work.
Can't hurt.
"Can't hurt"? I had to get
that boy his job back.
Look, JJ. We can tie this off
into one neat bundle.
Address it to the dumps, to oblivion.
We're doing great,
but please do it my way.
I've cased this kid.
I know his ins and outs.
He's full of juice and vinegar, waiting for
a big shot like you to put on the squeeze.
You got the boy's job back.
But he's not gonna accept your favour.
The manager, yeah, but not that boy.
- What has this boy got that Susie likes?
- Integrity. Acute, like indigestion.
What does this mean, "integrity"?
A pocketful of firecrackers...
waitin' for a match.
You know, it's a new wrinkle.
I never thought I'd make a killing
on some guy's integrity.
I'd hate to take a bite out of you.
You're a cookie full of arsenic.
I still think he's behind the smears.
Not that I'm convinced, but you'll
never prove it in a 1,000 years.