Mostly Aussies. Some lime--
Some British.
Indians, Burmese, Siamese.
And what happened to them?
They died...
...of malaria, dysentery,
beri-beri, gangrene.
Other causes of death:
Famine, overwork, bullet wounds,
Then there were some
who just got tired of living.
Has Clipton seen you?
Just about to. Come over here,
you can shave later.
All right.
You'll stay with the officers.
We'll find some decent clothing.
Don't bother about me.
I'm not anxious to
get off the sick list.
Besides, this is working kit.
It's the fashion here.
The officers in your party
did manual labour?
I think you could call it that.
I raised that very point
with Colonel what's-his-name.
-I think he understands now.
-Is that so?
Yes. I must say he seems
quite a reasonable type.
Well, I must be pushing on.
There's an officer's meeting at 7.
-Give me a list of your requirements.
-Yes, sir.
Anything we can do.
Thank you, sir.
-What is it?
-Never mind.
Go on, say it.
I can think of a lot of things
to call Saito...
...but reasonable, that's a new one.
Perhaps Col. NichoIson
defines the word differently.
Any other points?
-By your leave, sir?
About the escape committee.
I've spoken with Cmd. Shears--
There won't be any escape committee.
I don't understand, sir.
Lt. Jennings has a plan.
Yes, yes, I'm sure Jennings
has a plan, but escape?
Where? Into this jungle?
That fellow, Saito, is right.
No need for barbed wire here.
One chance in 1 00 of survival.
I'm sure a man of Cmdr. Shears'
experience will back me up on that.