The Bridge on the River Kwai

Battalion, attention.
English prisoners.
Let us ask the question...
...why does the bridge not progress?
You know why,
because your officers are lazy!

They think themselves too good
to share your burden.

This is not just.
Therefore, you are not happy
in your work.

Therefore, the bridge
does not progress.

But there is another cause.
l do not hide the truth.
With deep shame and regret...
...l admit to you the failure...
...of a member of the Japanese staff.
l refer to Lieutenant Miura.
He is a bad engineer.
He is unworthy of command.
Therefore, I have removed him
from his post.

Tomorrow we begin again.
l shall be in personal command.
Today we rest.
All work and no play
make Jack a dull boy!

As token of regard
for your efforts in the future...

...l give presents to you all.
