The Bridge on the River Kwai

Get up to sick bay.
This foot's infected.

Colonel might think I'm malingering.
I'm the medical officer.
Get cracking!

Will someone tell me why
he wants to build a proper bridge?

Don't worry about old Nick.
He knows what he's doing.

Hello, Clipton.
About time you paid us a visit.

Fine job our chaps are doing.
Yes. How's he behaving?
He's been most reasonable
since we took over.

-What's he thinking?
-I haven't the foggiest.

-Thanks, Reeves.
-Right, sir.

What do you think?
Quite a challenge, isn't it?
Are you convinced that building
this bridge is a good idea?

-Are you serious?
-Yes, sir.

A good idea? Take another look.
You don't agree morale is high?
Discipline has been restored?

Their condition has improved?
Are they a happier lot
or aren't they?

They feed better
and they are no longer abused.

Honestly, Clipton, there are times
when I don't understand you at all.

I'll try to make myself clear.
The fact is, what we're doing
could be construed as...
