Witness for the Prosecution

Well, if it's anyone's fault,
I expect it's mine.

Seems silly to me,
but Mr Mayhew thinks it's very urgent.

- He thinks I may be arrested any minute.
- Arrested for what?

Well, for murder.
It's the case of Emily French.
You've probably seen reports in the press.

Middle-aged widow, well-off,
living with a housekeeper at Hampstead.

Mr Vole had been with her earlier.
When the housekeeper returned,
she found her dead,

struck on the back of the head
and killed.

Vole seems caught
in a web of circumstantial evidence.

Perhaps if I gave you the details you'd
suggest the strongest line of defence.

- I'd probably think better with a cigar.
- Of course.

No previous convictions. He's of good
character with an excellent war record.

- You'd like him a lot.
- They've confiscated the matches. A light.

The defence may turn on establishing
an alibi for the night of the murder.

- I haven't got any. Let me get you some.
- Lord, no! You don't know Miss Plimsoll.

This will take all our cunning.
Young man!
Come here, please.
Your solicitor and I feel you may be able
to enlighten me on an important point.

- Yes. Thank you.
- Sir Wilfrid!

You're not in bed yet? Upstairs!
- Give me a match.
- Sorry, I never carry them.

- What? You said I'd like him.
- But I do have a lighter.

You're quite right, Mayhew,
I do like him. Thank you.

Can you imagine Miss Plimsoll's face
if she saw me now?

Then let's make absolutely sure
that she doesn't.

Splendid. All the instincts
of a skilled criminal.

- Thank you, sir.
- Here.

Whether or not you murdered
a middle-aged widow,

you certainly saved the life
of an elderly barrister.

I haven't murdered anybody. It's absurd.
Christine, that's my wife, she thought
I may be implicated and needed a lawyer.
