Witness for the Prosecution

It was 9.26. I know because I went right to
work on a clock I've been tinkering with.

- My wife will tell you.
- Your wife loves you, yes?

Very much.
We're devoted to each other.

You realise, Mr Vole, the testimony of a
devoted wife does not carry much weight.

People might think
Christine would lie on my account?

It has been known, Mr Vole.
Blood is thicker than evidence.

- Ah, Brogan-Moore. Come in, come in.
- So good to have you out of hospital.

I didn't get a full pardon, I'm out on
parole. You know Mr Mayhew, I believe.

- This is his client, Mr Leonard Vole.
- How do you do?

- How do you do?
- The Emily French murder.

- Oh, how do you do?
- Badly, thank you.

A mass of circumstantial evidence.
No alibi whatsoever. It's a hot potato.

- Tossing it into your lap.
- Much obliged.

Your line of defence,
however, will be lack of motive.

You will agree that we can rule out
a crime of passion, hm?

That leaves us with a murder for profit.
If Mr Vole had been sponging off Mrs
French, why cut off the source of supply?

Or, if he'd been hoping for a golden egg,
why kill the goose before it was laid?

No motive. No motive whatsoever.
- You find some flaw in this reasoning?
- No, no, it's very sound as far as it goes.

Well, it's all yours. You'll find Mr Vole
very responsive and quite candid.

So candid, he's already told me
we'll have to sue him for our fees.

Oh, we'll simply put a lean
on Mr Vole's $80,000.

- What $80,000?
- The $80,000 Mrs French left you.

Left me?
They opened Mrs French's
bank vault today and found her will.

- Congratulations.
- $80,000!

And I was worried about a couple
of hundred for that silly eggbeater.

I must call Christine.
This doesn't make things
look any better for me, does it?

- No. I wouldn't think so.
- So now they'll say I did have a motive.

They will indeed. $80,000 makes for
a very handsome motive.
