Leonard has been arrested
and charged with murder. Is that it?
- Yes.
- I knew he would be, I told him so.
I'm glad you're showing such fortitude.
Call it what you like.
What is the next step?
Your husband will have
to stand trial, I'm afraid.
Will you explain the procedure?
Mr Brogan-Moore will lead the defence.
- You will not defend Leonard?
- Regrettably not.
My health, or, rather,
the lack of it, forbids me.
It is regrettable. Mr Mayhew described
you as champion of the hopeless cause.
Is it, perhaps,
that this cause is too hopeless?
I'll have a serious talk with Dr Harrison. It
was a mistake to let you come back here.
I should have taken you
to a rest-home or a resort.
Some place quiet, far off, like Bermuda.
Shut up. You just want
to see me in those nasty shorts.
Come now, Sir Wilfrid,
you must not think of it.
You must get ready for sleep,
think beautiful thoughts.
Now, let's get undressed. Put these on,
tops and bottoms, while I make your bed.
After your rest
we'll have a nice cup of cocoa.
Then perhaps
we'll have a walk around the square.
You know, I feel sorry
for that nice Mr Vole.
And not just because he was arrested,
but that wife of his. She must be German.
That's what happens when we let our
boys cross the Channel. They go crazy.
The government should do something
about foreign wives. Like an embargo.
How else can we take care of our own
surplus. Don't you agree, Sir Wilfrid?
All right. Hop in!
Sir Wilfrid?
Sir Wilfrid!
Come back!
Yes, of course I knew that Leonard had
been seeing Mrs French quite frequently.
Go on.
I knew when he came home with a pair
of green socks she'd knitted for him.