Not guilty.
Members of the jury,
the prisoner stands indicted for that he,
on the 14th day of October,
murdered Emily Jane French.
To this indictment
he has pleaded not guilty.
And it is your charge to say,
having heard the evidence,
whether he be guilty or not.
Members of the jury,
by the oath which you have just taken,
you have sworn
to try this case on the evidence.
You must shut out
from your minds everything
except what will take place in this court.
You may proceed
for the prosecution, Mr Myers.
May it please you, my lord.
Members of the jury,
I appear in this case with my learned
friend, Mr Barton, for the prosecution.
And my learned friends
Sir Wilfrid Robarts and Mr Brogan-Moore
appear for the defence.
I trust we are not to be deprived
of the learned and stimulating
presence of Sir Wilfrid?
My lord, may I assure my learned friend
that Sir Wilfrid is in the Old Bailey.
He's slightly incapacitated,
but will be in his seat presently.
My lord, may I express my regret that
Sir Wilfrid is even slightly incapacitated.
You may, Mr Myers. You may also
proceed with the case for the prosecution.
Thank you, my lord.
The facts in this case are simple
and, to a point, not in dispute.
You will hear how the prisoner made
the acquaintance of Mrs Emily French,
a woman of 56.
How he was treated by her
with kindness and even affection.
On the night of October 14 last,
between 9.30 and 10,
Mrs French was murdered.
Medical testimony
will be introduced to prove
that death was caused by a blow
from a blunt and heavy instrument,
and it is the case for the prosecution
that the blow was dealt
by the prisoner, Leonard Vole.