A Night to Remember

All right, Perkins.
Now, children, here they come.
Show Sir Richard and Her Ladyship
how much we respect them.

-Who are they?
-The workhouse kids.

Making sure of their Christmas
turkey from the home farm.

Goodbye, darling, goodbye.
You won't forget to write to me,
will you?

We'll send you a wireless
from the ship.

Oh, take care of my little one.
-Well, God speed to you, child.
-Thank you, Father.

You'll all come back
when your fortunes are made.

We will that, father.
What will you do with the horse
and cart?

l'll sell them in Queenstown
before we get on the ship.

Well, get a good price, Tom.
They're sharp in Queenstown.

Don't worry, Father,
l'll watch me step.

Don't grieve, Mrs. Farrell.
lt's a wise thing
your husband is doing.

-Can l help you up, miss?
-Thank you.

That's very kind of you.
