-Morning, sir.
.Good morning, Pilot.
l understand the engine room wheel
has been fixed, sir.
Oh, there should be quite a welcome
waiting for us in New York, too.
lt'll be a proud moment for you,
Mr. Chairman.
Oh, and for you, Andrews.
You're the man who built her.
You're the one
who ought to take the bow.
l'm only the office boy.
We should arrive...
Let's see.
-Wednesday morning.
-We might do better than that.
-Not out for a fast run this trip.
-Oh, no, no, nothing like that.
She'll do better when the engines
have settled down.
Naturally, Captain,
you'll use your own judgement.
l'm just an ordinary passenger
on this trip.
-Mr. Murdoch.
-Oh, Andrews.
Get the men to station and let me
know when the gangway's landed.
Aye, aye, sir.
See, steady as a rock.
But that's remarkable.
Of course the sea's dead calm
at the moment.
All the same, Captain,
dead calm or not...
there are lots of other ships
that'd be rolling anyway.
That's perfectly true.
As you say, sir,
she's as steady as a rock.
Someone must have jogged
the table.
So sorry.