A Night to Remember

Mr. Dean, sir.
There's a distress call
just come through.

-Who from?
-The Titanic. They've struck a berg.

ls this a leg-pull, Sparks?
No, they want us to come at once.
They're sinking.

-The Titanic! on't be a fool.
-lt's true. 'm going to the Captain.

There's nothing in sight,
take over.

Aye, aye, sir.
-Sir, sir.
-What the devil's going...

Haven't you learned to knock
before you come in here?

lt's a distress call from the Titanic.
She's sinking.

l'm sorry, sir. l.
Mr. Dean, turn the ship round
Head North-West.
l'll work the course out for you
in a minute.

Now, Cottam.
-You're sure this is the Titanic?
-Yes, sir.


All right, check back.
Find out everything you can.

-Tell them we're coming right now.
-Yes, sir.

Sir, we've contacted the Carpathia.
East bound from New York.
She's on her way to us.

-Well, how far is she?
-Fifty-eight miles, sir.

She's making all possible speed.
Should reach us in four hours.

-Four hours.
-Yes, sir.

Well, what about that ship over

About ten miles away.
You can se a light.

-lsn't she replying?
-No, sir.
