A Night to Remember

Come on!
Come on!

Up, quick!
Out of it! Quick, lads.
The bulkhead's going.

Get to your boats, please.
-lt's only a safety precaution, madam.
-l refuse to wear it.

-You must wear your life jacket.
-But l dislike it intensively.

-l don't.
-Try it on, sister.

Everyone's wearing them this

They're the latest thing.
Steward, will you cancel
my appointment with the hairdresser?

-Tell her l've gone boating.
-Yes, madam.

-Really, l'd rather not wear it.
-Come along, ladies.

Will you let me have them, please?
A big oneThat's mine.

Be quiet.
Too many people.

Purser, here, purser, please.
l must have my jewels.

They're in the safe.
l've a receipt here to prove it.

But the word's going round...
that the women and children
are taking to the boats.

You can't go through here.
This is not the way
to the steerage boat deck.

Which is the way, then?
They'll be opening the lower deck
ports when the orders are given.

Oh, they will, will they?
We'll soon see about that.

Cut your heating and hot water.
Cut anything you like.
l've got to have every ounce of
steam you can give me.

Aye, aye, sir.
Mr. Dean, get all hands on deck
and prepare to receive survivors.

Knock off all routine work.
Get your boats ready and swing them out.

Rig electric lights
down the side of the ship.
