What's the matter with him?
ls he blind?
That's six rockets she's fired, sir.
Yes. Maybe l'd better tell
the Captain.
What is it?
That big steamer, sir,
she's firing rockets.
Six up to now.
Well, perhaps they're company
signals of some kind.
Call her up with the Morse lamp
and ask her.
Aye, aye, sir.
The Captain thinks she must be
signalling to another ship about the ice.
-Looks a bit queer, doesn't she?
-l'll try signalling her again.
lt's as if she's listing.
That's because of the angle
she's at to us.
lf you please, madam.
My friend has been put into that boat.
We want to stay together.
-Madam, you must get in.
-But l don't see why.
Madam, please, madam,
you cannot choose your boat.
Gangway please, gangway.
Come on, girls.
l want to go back to bed, Daddy.