
Dissimulation, false promises,
double bottoms...

A miserable,
rotten lie through and through.

We're the silliest rabble you can find.
- Your husband feels the same?
- He doesn't speak.

- Is that true?
- Nothing is true.

Your husband has no secret powers?
Maybe not, I wasn't affected.

I only felt a certain cold excitement.
He failed.

- It's meaningless.
- So, should I feel at ease?

Feel at ease, Mr Vergerus. We can
display our ineptitude over and over.

It appears that you bemoan the fact.
As if you wished for something else.
But there are no miracles.

It's always devices and the mouth
that does the work.

The priesthood experiences the same.
God remains silent and people speak.

- Just once.
- So everyone shouts. Just once.

For the non-believers.
But most of all for the believers.

- Just once.
- Just once. It's true.

You say that you are afraid?
Of me too?

- Mostly of you.
- That's flattering.

One could tolerate
your manner and wits.

- What frightens you, then?
- Your smile, your benevolence.

You're the only sensible person
in the company.

Why continue on a road that leads
to disgrace and imprisonment?

- It hasn't always been like this?
- No...

Perhaps you once believed... in the
meaning or usefulness of it all?

- That was long ago.
- Why not stop in time, Mrs Vogler?

It's meaningless.
