Follow the yellow line and keep going...
...and keep going, and there is an arrow.
Success. Come on.
Are you sure you wouldn't rather
go back to El Morocco?
Come on, this will be fun.
-Good evening.
Providing the signs are favourable,
the Zodiac welcomes you.
-The date of your birth, sir?
-March 12.
Sign of the fish. The time is favourable.
-Sign of the fish.
-Shep, this is the scrabby end!
The night is favourable. Auspicious
for love, pleasure and entertainment.
-Go right down.
-Thanks. Come on.
It's not supposed to be known,
but he's from the Paris chapter.
This is a number about a man who was
assassinated and thrown in a river.
That was ten years ago.
There he's been all this time...
...at the bottom without food,
alcohol or a female friend.