Looks to me
as if he's eaten one herb too many.
That's why he acts so creepy, I suppose.
No, it's not that at all.
All the Holroyds are a little sinister.
You see, Nicky's my brother.
I'm terribly sorry.
-Yes, sir?
Give us two more of those.
A vodka and tonic, and scotch and soda.
Yes, sir.
Miss Kittredge had a quirk at college, too.
-You do remember them?
-Just an old bugaboo of mine.
That last spring in school,
it was most astonishing...
...how many dreadful thunderstorms
there were. Remember?
Yes, I remember.
It was most extraordinary.
Why, they lasted for weeks.
-Did they really scare you?
-I'd rather not talk about it.
Are you all right?