Bell Book and Candle

Sorry to disturb you. I just thought
the place was going up in flames.

No, it's nothing like that.
It's just a little game that we play.

It seems rather dangerous,
but go right ahead with it.

No, no. It's all right. We've finished.
Nicky, I'm terribly tired.
I must be leaving. Goodnight.

Everything's working out wonderfully.
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas.
Thanks again for the presents, Gillian.

-Good night, Mr. Henderson.
-Merry Christmas.

Well, Merry Christmas.
Perhaps you'd like that rain check now?
All right, only make it a brandy, will you?
-How did you like the Zodiac?
-I'm not quite sure.

Somehow it seemed more like Halloween
than Christmas.

Did you know Merle well in school?
Not very.
I'm afraid your brother and those drums
were too much for her.

Thank you.
She's really quite a wonderful girl.
Is that your cat?
I've seen him on the stairs, watching me
come in and out. What's his name?

-How's that?

-Pyewacket. Well, how do you do?

Bad cat!
-I'm glad he didn't scratch you.
-No. That's all right.

He doesn't have very good manners.
It's just because you're a stranger.
Once he gets to know you....

It's nice having you over me.
I mean,
it's assuring having a man near one...
