Bell Book and Candle

You could take a world cruise.
You could...
...redecorate this apartment.
It really needs it, Merle.

-You are a vile, sleazy, contemptible....
-I'm a cad.

Goodbye, Merle.
I almost forgot my hat.
-Good morning, Tina. Nice Christmas?
-Very nice. And yours?

The mail is on your desk.
And Mr. White is in,
and the Faulkner galleys are ready.

And that gentleman is waiting to see you.
And Bergdorf's called about that negligee
you wanted to send to Miss Kittredge.

Tina, why don't you just have them
send that to your house?

And I'm not going to have lunch
with Miss Kittredge, or dinner.

You can just cancel all those reservations.
We don't want to have a perfectly good
negligee go to waste, do we?

Mr. Henderson, I'm Sidney Redlitch.
You don't know me,
but I think I want to see you.

-You're who?
-Redlitch. Magic in Mexico.

Magic in....
Of course. Redlitch, I'm glad to see you.
I'm astonished to see you. Sit down.
I was talking to some people
just the other night about you...

...only I understood you were in Mexico.
Yeah, that's right.
You see, there is this new book
that I am about to get into.
