Bonjour tristesse

Thank you, Cecile.
Are you that grown up?
- Really, welcome.
- And really, thank you.

- Which way?
- Terrace first, so you can see the view.

- How did your new collection go?
- Extremely well.

But I wish I could have found
material the colour of this water.

I spent my honeymoon by the sea.
Twelve years ago.

Did you like it? I mean the place?
Yes, I liked both it and the place.
Although it wasn't nearly
as lovely as this.

I had quite a debate with myself
before coming here.

- I'm delighted I lost.
- I'll fetch your things.

- What's the matter, Cecile?
- Nothing. Why?

- You're embarrassed.
- There's nothing.

May I guess?
You're annoyed Raymond isn't here
to spread a welcome carpet.

He's spreading it with flowers.
He's spreading it at the station.

But I wired I was driving.
- You wired?
- Yes.

I wouldn't decide to drive
and not send word.

Where do you suppose
that telegram is?

In his pocket, unopened.
Albertine! I mean, Léontine!
Slight maid problem.
Weird sisters rotate working for us.

Weird? How?
Every week one or the other is stricken
with some odd malady. Maybe it's us.

- Yes?
- Léontine...

Léontine has a bad liver.
I am her sister, Claudine.

- Did a telegram come today?
- I handed it to monsieur myself.
