Did I really believe that?
Well, at least I tried to.
And I tried to live
as though it were true.
As though the subtle but swift
changes Anne made in our daily life...
... made me happy too.
It isn't that I don't believe
your father has changed.
I want too much to believe it.
What difference could a change
in him mean to you?
If he changes, you change.
If he's happy with one person...
Raymond is happy with Anne. It's
different than with Elsa or with...
He loves Anne. And he wants the kind
of life she wants. You've seen them.
Belonging to one person
can make you happy.
Anne is different too.
She looks softer. She moves easier.
- In the morning, she seems...
- Seems how?
As though she had the most wonderful
secret in the worid.
I wish I walked the way she walks now.
I wish I had the look she has. I wish...
You said we weren't
to do this anymore.
I don't care.
I think perhaps you had better go,
- You got the wrong impressiĆ³n. There...
- I think you'd better go.
You realize that such diversions
can end up in a hospital.
We were only kissing.
That won't end up in any hospital.
- Please don't see him again, Cecile.
- What if I say I love him?
I don't think you do, darling.
Love doesn't depend on that.
Nor is it the only way to express it.