From the Earth to the Moon

Boom, you go straight to the moon.
The other method we call
Earth Orbit Rendezvous.

Instead of using one huge rocket...
we perform several launches
with somewhat smaller rockets...

each carrying a component
of the spacecraft.

We put the pieces together
in orbit...

and off we go.
These two methods... these are
the only ways of getting to moon?

Actually, there were other ideas.
So we started thinking:
"What can we do right now?"

Then it hit us.
The moon!
You rendezvous
on the surface of the moon.

The problem isn't getting
a man to the moon.

- That's easy.
- It's not easy.

- Relatively easy.
- Pretty easy.

- The problem is getting him back.
- So we say...

You send up some ships to the moon...
with all the extra fuel
and supplies to get back.

That way, when the astronauts arrive...
everything they need to get home
is already there.

We put a man on the moon
as soon as possible.

Just get him there.
- We can keep sending supply ships...
- Until we figure a way to get him back!

Well, that's...
No, I'm sorry, gentlemen.
There is no way on God's green Earth...
we would ever...
ever do anything like that.
I'm sorry.
It looked like either
Earth Orbit Rendezvous...

or Direct Ascent
would be the way to go.

Either way we go...
the spacecraft that lands on the moon
is going to look like that.

Yes, just like that.
It doesn't have
to look like this at all.

At Chance Vought Industries in Texas...
an engineer named Tom Dolan
hit upon an interesting idea.

You ever hear of a Russian rocket guy
named Yuri Kondratyuk?
